There are many reasons in favor of spending time abroad during studies. Besides the already mentioned advantages of travel, there are also many financial benefits for students:
1) Anyone who wants to do an internship or a semester abroad can seek support from the Erasmus community.
You can get financial support but also discounts. For example, with the Erasmus boarding pass you can fly at very cheap rates. Furthermore, you can request information and assistance in finding accommodation.
2) Also if planning trips on your own the student status offers huge advantages.
With the student ID you get discounts in many restaurants, shops, museums, tourist attractions and hostels. In some countries public museums are even free for students or young people up to a certain age, meanwhile the normal prices remain in the stratosphere. Many tour operators grant students up to a 25% discount.
3) As a student you have the time and freedom to travel longer and farther.
Once you are in working life you might not get as many days off as you have at your disposal during your studies.
4) It is much easier at this age to meet new people.
Many students travel during their studies and often alone because they have very specific ideas and different career goals. There are several tour operators and language schools which market to this particular crowd and through which you can easily meet like-minded people.
5) There are many cards that are temporarily valid and provide you with rebates while traveling.
The International Student Identity Card, for example, offers discounts at bars and restaurants as well as hostels and other accommodations. It also offers access to various student travel agencies in more than 90 countries. There is also an international 24-hour helpline for members. Another card is the Euro26 pass with discounts for cinemas, theaters, concerts, museums, festivals, trains, books and much more. Furthermore, with the International Youth Hostel Federation card, which is cheaper for students and young people, you can find accommodation in 80 countries at very affordable prices.
6) Even just obtaining you passport is cheaper.
Up to the age of 24 years the passport costs almost only half the price allowing travel outside of the EU. It should therefore be bought at an early age.