Jordan Situation Analysis

Jordan_amman_cityview2 AmeriSpan has been providing travel safety updates for Egypt over the past few days, as we recognize the political and social turmoil here is of great concern at the moment.  We will continue to post updates on this situation and recommend you visit the State Department website for any immediate updates to national advisories.  Recently there has also been media buzz regarding protests in Jordan, which are on a much smaller scale.

The director of our partner school in Amman writes, "Our programs will not be affected. The school will remain open as things in Jordan will remain normal.  The demonstrations that have been going on in Jordan on Friday paid off. They were organized to topple the corrupted government, and the king finally dismissed it today.  We expect no or only small scale-demos in the future. Things can not be compared to Egypt. The monarchy here enjoys wide acceptance, and its only the governments that come and leave."

There are currently no advisories from the State Department.  To keep abreast of all issued travel warnings  made by the State Department, visit:

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