Spanish for Teachers & Educators: 3 Favorites


One popular type of AmeriSpan Teacher and Education courses
are our Maestro Spanish for Educators programs offered in Mexico and Costa
Rica. AmeriSpan Maestro programs are for teachers and educators in all fields
to immerse themselves in the Spanish language and regional culture, while
learning about local teaching customs. These programs aid all
educators with the rapidly increasing Limited English Proficient (LEP) students
and parents who primarily speak Spanish.

With the growing Hispanic population in the United States,
these programs are an exceptional opportunity for teachers to be exposed to the
culture and language of their students and parents. By learning about the Latin
American educational setting, it will be easier to relate to LEP students,
their parents and the common struggles they face in US classrooms. It is
remarkable what educators can take from the program and bring back to their
classrooms, schools, and districts.

Here is what one participant in the Alajuela program
had to say:
  “ The directors and staff
at the Institute have made it possible for me to meet teachers and principals
and to visit the public schools in Costa Rica. It has been fascinating to
discuss the successes and challenges they have experienced in the educational
system. I would highly recommend this program as the institute will do
everything to ensure that your experience here as both a teacher and student is
Teacher and Educator Spanish Programs in Costa Rica and Mexico are
prefect programs for teachers and educators in all fields to immerse
themselves in the Spanish language and regional culture, while learning
about teaching local teaching customs. 

Maestro Spanish for Educators (Costa Rica)

Maestro Spanish for Educators (La Manzanilla, Mexico)

Maestro Spanish for Educators (Morelia, Mexico)

Teacher and Educator Study Abroad Programs

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