Here are some more fun facts from Country Reports.
Portugal's natural resources include cork, tungsten, coal, iron, uranium, pyrite and marble.
The busiest subway system in the world is in Russia.
Spain's tradition of "el ratoncito Perez" is the character of a story for a young king who had fear of losing his baby teeth.
Switzerland is the country that eats the most chocolate on average per person a year.
The capital of Taiwan, Taipei, is built in a big, flat basin that used to be a lake.
In Thailand, the lotus is a Buddhist symbol of goodness, purity and intelligence.
Pearls have been harvested by Gulf fisheries for more than 5,000 years in the United Arab Emirates.
The United States is the top meat eating country in the world.
The name Venezuela means "Little Venice". Amerigo Vespucci noticed houses built on stilts in the water, which reminded him of Venice, Italy, where canals run through the city.