Starting SALUD in Buenos Aires

Blog_01By Katie B., Guest Blogger and SALUD Medical Spanish Student in Buenos Aires, Argentina

This is my first blog entry and my first week in Argentina!

My name is Katie, and I am a 3rd year medical student at Drexel University originally from Rochester, NY. I came to Buenos Aires, Argentina to learn Spanish so that I can communicate with the multitude of Spanish speaking people in the U.S., in an attempt to bridge the gap between the number of Spanish speaking patients and doctors.

I will be in Buenos Aires, Argentina for four months, three of which I am enrolled in AmeriSpan Spanish classes. For the first four weeks I will be studying general Spanish, and the next eight I will be in the SALUD (medical Spanish) program.

I am going to be honest with you, when I arrived here I had no idea what to expect. I was somewhat terrified to move to a foreign country for four months on my own. The moment I walked into my host abuela’s apartment I knew it was going to be the experience of a lifetime. She was so welcoming. She barely knows any English, and my Spanish is horrible, yet we still managed to carry on a thirty-minute conversation with lots of hand waving and facial expressions. I felt at home right away.

My limited ability to speak to my host mom has definitely been motivating me to learn Spanish fast. On the day I arrived, she gave me directions to the school at least three times. I repeated them back to her, and we both agreed I would find my way to the school just fine.

I guess I misunderstood my abuela. I walked for 25 minutes in the opposite direction of the school. When I reached the end of Paraguay, I gathered the courage to ask a nice parking garage employee “Donde está calle Suipacha?” He muttered something in Spanish, and brought out a map. He told me that I was “muy lejos” from Suipacha. I was already late to class so I jumped into a cab and got to class fifteen minutes late. If that isn’t motivation enough to learn Spanish, I don’t know what is!

The city of Buenos Aires is breathtaking. There is so much to see, do, and learn from the people living here. I am so blessed to have to opportunity to commit four months to a language and culture. Until the next update – Hasta pronto!

Read all of Katie B.'s blog entries

Find out more about AmeriSpan's SALUD Medical Spanish programs

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