CNN’s “Top 5 Cities in Central & South America”

Argentina_Buenos_Aires_Highlights_000Last week, we reposted an article about CNN's list of top European cities, and this week we're focusing on a similar piece on the top five cities in Central and South America. While AmeriSpan Study Abroad had six out of ten locations on the European list, we have a whopping 4/5 locations on this one! Can you guess which city made number one on the list?

Buenosaires_budget_classroom3Number one on this list was, unsurprisingly, Buenos Aires, Argentina! This metropolitan hot spot attracts Spanish students and South Americans alike with its famously diverse and vibrant neighborhoods and European-like atmosphere.

Want to see which other cities made the list? See the original CNN article, Top 5 Cities in Central & South America

Discover Spanish courses in Buenos Aires, Argentina for yourself!

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