Chile Spanish Schools: Accepting Students After Earthquake

Chile_Santiago_Highlights_054 After the earthquake that hit Chile south of Santiago on February 27th, there were complications and closings in many Chilean businesses and points of transport in and around Santiago.  We had one student in Santiago at the time who we called instantly to check on, and he reported to us that he was fine and that the school had dealt with the emergency situation safely and professionally.  He safely flew home soon after.

Right now, Santiago’s main airport (SCL) and its affiliates are publicly stating that limited service is back to normal, and that the only minor damage that occurred was to the airport itself, not its runways.  There have been news reports of temporary platforms being set up along tarmacs and that the airport is safe.  The only notification that is being given at the moment is for customers who have already booked flights: These people are being asked to re-confirm and double-check their flight information.  We can help you find great discount with our site’s newest feature – a flight booking tool.  Check out our new airfare application and find airfare to Chile here!

That being said, Santiago is safe to visit again and our schools are open and ready for you.  It is an exciting city in a beautiful part of the continent and a popular place to study Spanish, so what are you waiting for?

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