French in France: Croix-Rousse

Lyon_marketBy Ashley C., guest blogger learning French in France

I live in an exceptionally beautiful part of Lyon called Croix-Rousse! There?s a farmer?s market every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday and it?s the most wonderful farmer?s market you could ever go to! There are wonderful fruits and vegetables, of course, but there are some vendors who also sell beautiful clothing, pottery, jewelry, and other handmade creations. I can spend a whole weekday morning just wandering around the wonderful stands (and I have spent many weekday mornings doing just that!).

If you meander through the market and end up near the Metro station, you?ll also reach a great viewing point where you can sit on a bench and look out at all of Lyon. I like to bring a book and some of my notes from class and just eat one of the fresh apples from the farmer?s market. I also like to buy a baguette and some “jambon” (ham) and make sandwiches for lunch every week. I eat very well here.

For the athletes (or the casual jogger, like myself), Croix-Rousse is also a great place for a jog. You?ll see several people running up and down the streets here, and there?s even a great track just around the corner from where I live. Croix-Rousse is exceptional in this respect, because there are not a lot of places you can go in France where you?ll see a log of joggers. People are thin here, but they are not typically athletic-looking. In the states, I see much more athletic-looking people, but there is also (of course) a lot of obesity.

Another reason why I love Croix-Rousse (and a reason you won?t find in tour guide books) is the local Lyon_viewmerchant just down the street. When I first came to Lyon, I knew no one and this local merchant was the first person I met and talked with. He?s very patient with my French and genuinely very nice and welcoming. When I buy something at the store, he always takes time to ask me how I?m doing and (sometimes) to teach me a little bit about French. People are very nice here!

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