Are you in the medical, law enforcement, school teaching, social work or ministerial fields?
Do you need to learn Spanish or expand your Spanish language skills?
AmeriSpan Study Abroad has partnered once again with Bilingual America to offer a very special, high quality Spanish program for free to qualified participants. If you are in the medical, law enforcement, school teaching, social work or ministerial fields you can get Bilingual America's Basic to Expert Level Spanish Power course at no charge through The Claro Initiative. The Claro Initiative is a community service initiative to provide Spanish training to critical social service professionals at no charge. Spanish Power is considered the most comprehensive and results-driven Spanish training program in the country by many people and we encourage you to take advantage of this amazing opportunity. By the way, if you don't qualify but know someone who does, send them the link below so they can benefit.
Click or share this link to read more about this offer and request admittance to the free Spanish Power course here:$$ab/
What if you don't qualify?
If you do not qualify for this special offer because you are not in one of the professional fields listed above, but are looking for a high-quality Spanish training program, we highly recommend you try this free trial package from the Claro Initiative through Bilingual America. A unique aspect of Bilingual America's programs is that they also make one-on-one tutoring available on an optional basis. They are a very respected, trusted institute that has been around since 1992. Other students recommended from AmeriSpan Study Abroad have been very happy with the results they have achieved with them. If you do not qualify for free courseware via The Claro Initiative you can get a really nice free trial package here.
Go to or share this link for a free trial package:$$ab/