How wonderful would it be to learn about traditional Brazilian food while studying Portuguese in Brazil? Our weekly "Portuguese and Bahian Cuisine" course allows you to do both of these things and more while staying in the lovely city of Salvador!
Posts Tagged: food
Learning Arabic in Jordan: The Food
Want to learn Arabic? We recommend taking a close look at our program in Amman, Jordan. I just returned from a trip to Jordan and will be blogging over the coming days and weeks about my experience. The bottom line, I highly recommend the school in Amman and the country of Jordan. Wow is what… Read more »
Learn Italian and the Tastes of Sicily
Italy, as you already know, is renowned for its unique traditional cooking methods and flavors that tie together the bounties of the Mediterranean and the fresh vegetables and spices of the countryside. We regularly see commercials zooming in on red and white sauces, meats, and pastas being tossed onto a plate from an overflowing pot… Read more »