Introduction/Lima Hotel

Cusco_nichole-donahue_student By Nichole D., Guest Blogger and SALUD Medical Spanish in Peru participant

I know many of my close friends and family have been asking if I'll start a blog while abroad and well, here it is!  My goal while abroad is to update this blog as much as I can…at the very least I'll post a new blog twice a week.

In just a little over a week I will be starting my journey to Cusco, Peru where I will be living for an entire month!

For those of you that don't know, I will be taking medical Spanish classes Mon-Fri as well as volunteering in a clinic in the Cusco area.  I absolutely can't wait to start this journey and I promise to keep everyone updated on my adventures as much as I can!


Lima Hotel

After being at airports from 7am to midnight, when I got to the hotel all I could think about was sleep!  But when I went down to the main lobby this morning to print my boarding pass, the woman working the desk asked if I would mind helping her daughter with her English homework since she has an exam tomorrow.  We had a lot of fun and a little difficulty converting her sentences from Spanish to English but we definitely both learned a lot and I really think she will do well on the test!  In exchange for my English lessons, they offered me a breakfast of eggs, coffee, juice and some bread which was amazing!  I´m getting picked up to be taken back to the airport to fly to Cusco in 20 min where I will finally be united with my host family and roommate Dalya!

I absolutely can´t wait to get to Cusco!!!


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