2. Visit a country with little language barrier. English, while it’s not India’s official language, is widely spoken and written on many street signs, restaurant menus, etc. This makes for an easy adjustment into a new, very different culture. Where English is not widely spoken, like in the volunteer project sites, you have the opportunity gain experience teaching ESL, which helps locals become more valuable in India’s job market. It also gives you some teaching experience to add to your resume. 1. Variety, variety, variety. Experience medical projects in small clinics of Jaipur, orphanages and day care centers, women empowerment programs teaching sewing and computers to adolescents and housewives, domestic violence shelters, environment projects working with sea turtles on the beautiful beaches of Goa or volunteer at a school for children of local fisherman families. You name it, India’s volunteer program has something for everyone; challenge yourself in one of our amazing projects while making an impact.