Contest Update: Two More Kindles Awarded!

Kindle-black-2502 AmeriSpan has given out a pair of Kindles to two extra enthusiastic Great Travel Abroad Contest participants, Sasha Osborn and Erin Kessler!  Congratulations to these contestants, who both made their way into 'Italy' last night.  Hopefully, they are now checking out Italian Language Schools.

Now, we were only supposed to award one Kindle for the first person to 501 points but they both arrived within 30 minutes of each other.  We tried to ascertain who was first but it was too close. So we decided both deserved a Kindle.  Don't forget that our Grand Prize drawing is only two weeks away, and the more points you rack up, the better!


South African Adventure

Poppy-tomlinson Poppy T., current Great Travel Abroad Contest participant, relays her experiences arriving in South Africa

Wow, so much to report after just two weeks! First off, we endured a ten hour flight, which gave me and the other volunteers a chance to meet and chat. We got to Johannesburg Airport early in the morning, then came to the Johannesburg Ritz Hostel to stay for two nights- for a hostel it is the ritz! It has a pool, bar and a pool table! We have made lots of use of these three luxuries. After getting to the hostel, we went straight out for a tour of Johannesburg and Soweto. We were all so tired after the all night drinks on the plane.

Read more on “South African Adventure” »

Contest Leaders Battle for Kindle

Kindle-black-250 Although the Great Travel Abroad contest's Grand Prize drawing isn't until May 25th, two contestants are racing to Italy (501 points).  The first to arrive arrive in Italy wins a Kindle. rosiegirl is in Morocco while long time leader sashayn is in Spain.  That only leaves Portugual and then Italy and a brand new Kindle, like Caitin Beal won in the early prize drawing.  Now it is time time to get serious record a video, write a good blog, and/or donate to a Fundraiser.

For all other current and potential contestants it isn't too late to win a great prize like an Ipod Touch and study abroad programs. The grand prize drawing is a randon, raffle-like drawing where every point you earn gives you a chance to win.  Hint: read the how to get points fast post here

Join the Great Travel Abroad Contest Now

Early Prize Drawing Winners

Argentina_Buenos_Aires_Spanish_School_Activities_008 Congrats to Caitlin Beal and all of the other winners of the Early Prize Drawing in our Great Study Abroad Contest!

Caitlin Beal – Kindle
prem – Travel Gear ($25 amazon gift card )
kateska22 – $100 Airfare discount
alocke117 – Think Spanish (1 year subscription)
rachelne – Think Spanish (1 year subscription)
grnhcat – Think French (1 year subscription)
sashayn – Think French (1 year subscription)
jwing105 – Think Italian (1 year subscription)
emerritt – Think Italian (1 year subscription)


Thank you to everyone who is participating in the Great Study Abroad Contest. Our next prize drawing will be on May 25th. For more information about this contest, check out the Contest Overview.


Meet the University: Barcelona International College

Barc_BIC_csa6 Meet Rich Kurtzman, Director of one of AmeriSpan's Barcelona Study Abroad programs

What is your background?
I graduated from a small, liberal arts university in Illinois in 1998 with a double major in Spanish and Russian, but also studied Marketing and Psychology.  I earned my M.A. degree in Spanish Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition from University of Illinois-Chicago where I also taught Spanish.  I came to Barcelona in 2002 planning to stay for 1 or 2 years, but like many others, fell in love with the city and haven’t left. I got married in 2010 to my wonderful wife – who is originally from England but has lived in 3 countries in Europe since 2000.  We live in a lively, eclectic barrio of Barcelona within 5 minutes walking distance of our Spanish, Catalan and international friends.

Read more on “Meet the University: Barcelona International College” »

AmeriSpan: Innovators in Social Media

Social-Media-Award-Finalist[1] AmeriSpan has been selected as a Finalist for the  "Innovators in Social Media" award presented by The website cited our integrated social media strategy (this blog, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube), our innovative content (Meet the School, Meet the Fundraiser, news, advice), our Great Travel Abroad contest, Study Abroad Fundraising program and tipped their hat at the current specials we're offering.

See the article here:  AmeriSpan named Finalist as Innovators in Social Media


Meet the School: Valencia’s Academic Director

Valencia_school_dQ_students Meet María Sabas Elías, Academic Director of AmeriSpan's Valencia Spanish school

What is your background?
I’m 47 years old. I have a BA in Spanish Philology, I studied 3 years of Journalism, and I did the Pedagogical Aptitude Course (CAP). I worked for the Ministry of Defence for 11 years assisting in the recruitment of professional soldiers, having won the Best Worker medal in 1995. I’m originally from Bilbao but I moved to Valencia in 2003. I have an 11-year-old daughter.

Read more on “Meet the School: Valencia’s Academic Director” »

Captivating Cartagena

Meleena_bowersJPG By Meleena B., current Great Travel Abroad participant

Cartagena is a captivating colonial port city situated on the edge of the Caribbean Sea. Once the crown of the Spanish empire, Cartagena invites visitors to wander its streets and explore its rich history.

To obtain a Love in the Time of Cholera vibe, a stay in the Old Town is a must where former colonial mansions have been transformed into charming B&Bs. It is here where visitors marvel at the Bourgainville that dangles its leafy strands over wrought iron balconies like a modern day Rapunzel.

Read more on “Captivating Cartagena” »

Tips for Going into the Rainforest

Cabana Kate S., '15 Minutes of Fame' Contest winner and current Great Travel Abroad participant, gives us expert advice for entering rainforest territory

 1. Most language schools can set you up with guides and places to stay. This is safer (for you and your money) than winging it with a tourist agency in town.

2. Find out all you can about where you're going and what to expect. How long will it take to get there? Will you have electricity? Will you be asked to hike or visit an indigenous village? Do not be afraid to ask so there is no shock later.

Read more on “Tips for Going into the Rainforest” »

AmeriSpan Contest: Tips and Best Practices

Today is the "early prize drawing" where we'll be awarding a Kindle and other prizes. There is still plenty of time to join our contest and super-charge your efforts to win one of the races for one of the many prizes in the Grand Prize Drawing at the end of May.
