First, AmeriSpan's opinion has been the benefits of studying abroad far outweigh any perceived risks whether that be terrorism or homesickness. Secondly, the threat of terrorism is with all of us every day, no matter where we are or what we are doing. Finally, let's remind everyone that security and travel experts remind travelers that the odds of being hurt in an auto accident or even struck by lightening are greater than being a victim in a terrorist attack.
If you have turned on the news over the last couple of days, you are sure to have heard about the US and UK's travel warning for Europe based on the threat of terrorist attacks. However, there really isn't a US travel warning, it is a travel alert to US citizens in Europe to the potential for terrorist attacks in Europe … as current information indicates [terrorist organizations] continue to plan terrorist attacks. The alerts advice is to "U.S. citizens should take every precaution to be aware of their surroundings and to adopt appropriate safety measures to protect themselves when traveling." as well as register their travel plans with the Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy through the State Department's travel registration website. To read the full text of the alert, go here.
So basically what is new? It sounds the same, Islamic extremists want to attack Western Europe and the US, the government's advice is don't change your plans and remain more diligent. It seems like the same message we have been hearing since 9/11. However, there are some differences this time including the following:
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